rené schaap
fooling around
a laugh every day
adores his job!
enjoys the life!
© 1966 - 2025
René Schaap
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There's only one name for adventure: Schapie

In split second, it al changed.

22 July 2013, my wife Adriana start to give labour, it will become a very long day with laughs, pain, talks, waiting, trying and keeping faith. We were not alone, starting with 2 mid-wives, a doctor , the 2 children Aline & Thales of Adriana, her mother Alice and not to forget cat Clarinha. It will be a natural birth in which is still pretty special in Brazil. After almost 20 hours our doctor said we have to do the last little part in the hospital. so we packed the stuff we needed and went of to the hospital… before i knew i was already out of there again because i could not show my ID…. damn… i forgot this strict rules they have sometimes here. nb: a week earlier i did not have to show it? So i did a world record in speeding thru the streets of Santos early in the morning in our Volkswagen Space-Fox. When i came back (it was almost a time travel) i just heard her first sounds…. my Dora was born.
I was a little bit shocked of these first sounds. Than it happened. Adriana was holding Dora on her breast…… and she passed her over to me. For the first time i was looking in the eyes of my Schapie… and she was looking in my eyes.. straight. FIRST CONTACT!

Pai e Dora

Something happened at that moment…. let's call it… "i became a father" right there in that split second. First night i could stay in the hospital… to be with them both. Great service. But the start of the new adventure also counted for me. My bed was kind of ……. short. They were not prepared for a tall dutch father :)

My hospital bed

The connection i have with Dora and she with me is amazing. I am very happy that Adriana shares it all with me, she is the main one for Dora because of the first nine month connection of the both and the delivery of the daily food by giving her breast feeding. I must catch my moments with her as much as i can… in my way. So i do it all… Waking her up, change the pampers, giving bath.. choosing the clothes, walking with her and singing for her or just try to get her to sleep. It is just the way to get connected i think. This video was made by a local TV station ATribuna for fathers day (Dia dos Pais) , i am in there with Adriana and Dora :)

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Family is very important in Brazil, it was shown to me at that moment that Adriana's mother and her both children were there when Dora was born. But Also her father appeared at least 4 times in 3 days to check Adriana and Dora. The week after she was born my mother arrived from The Netherlands. She stayed 7 weeks to be with her new grand-child Dora. Both Adriana's mother and my mother helped us out great first weeks with cleaning, ironing, cooking and caring etc etc I hereby want to thank them both. Without them we would not being able to spend more time with our Dorinha. I also want to thank everybody who give us these wonderfull presents for Dora, especially my sister + husband, Marjolein and Theo and also Michiel and Marni who also did some very special things for us. Without you all i would not be so happy as i am right now.


Ofcourse a deep deep bow and a kiss for my Adriana.. she was already a great mother .. now she will be one for Dora too. Lucky father and baby :) She is also a great partner for me and assist and teach me the tools to raise Dora. What Adriana achieved is amazing and an example for all mothers. She got also what she wanted by not giving up…. she did put all her efforts, knowledge, power and love into this birth and she managed to give birth in a natural way to our Blue eyed Dora. Love you Adriana! … there are no words enough to express myself.. just being with you and Dora will hopefully show me, myself and i. 8 years together now .. at least we add another 50!

Dora, Adriana e René

I am glad i was there when the labour started, and i can only say to all future fathers…. be there and feel what happens…. if you miss that moment with your wife, you will miss a lot. It something i will never forget. Every day i am learning with Dora and she with me…. I am learning her way of communicating… and she is learning mine. So…. I try to be this daddy cool for my little Schapie. nb: never forget your ID !!!


While i wrote this she is sleeping in my arms…. say no more.
Slaap Dora slaap daar buiten loopt een Schaap, een………..

Namaskar Yoga
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