rené schaap
fooling around
a laugh every day
adores his job!
enjoys the life!
© 1966 - 2025
René Schaap
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Dora 1 Year!

There's only one name for adventure: Schapie

Dora 1 Year!
I did not have to much time for a blog post last months, busy with my company Connecting Media and a move to another city in Brazil, but that does not takes most of my time ;) Dora eats my time every day.. and it is great. People told me to be as much as possible with my child in the first years, and i did. I am lucky i work from home so it is easy to stay with Dora. My life changed, i cannot imagine my life without this little human. In one year she shows herself already in how she will be all her life.. amazing!! From day number one she likes music…. all kinds , she like to watch some tv and has a favourite show, Bubble Guppies , she screams and jumps when i put it on TV or the iPad. Maybe this series is why she likes to take a bath… she can enjoy an hour in the water if we let her.

Bubble Guppies

Dora does not like socks or shoes…. or a hat. When we put those they will be removed in minutes. The socks are all over Santos already. She likes trees and plants, one of the reasons we have a house with a garden now. And she adores cats, our Clarinha in Santos and Teo in Socorro.

Teo and Dora

Danger, she does not know what that means…. she dives into new adventures every day. She likes cables and buttons, no idea where she get this from ;) And she is very … careful with food, she just eats what she trusts. Yes.. just one year today.
Amazing how much she learned and teached us so far. To show what i mean i record all year her movements, actions and sounds and turned it into a second movie about her, enjoy.

photo made by:

Happy Birthday Dora.
I love you.

Video Hosting by Connecting Media

Bubble Guppie
Namaskar Yoga
Connecting Media Brasil
